Partners 2024
Official support
Business Russia - is a nationwide public organization representing the interests of private non-resource companies striving for leadership in their respective industries. Founded in 2001, it unites over 10,000 business owners – proprietors of high-tech enterprises across small, medium, and large business sectors. The total number of employees at companies affiliated with Business Russia is approximately 3 million, with a combined annual revenue exceeding 5.3 trillion rubles. Business Russia has a presence in 88 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
The Union of Machine Engineers of Russia - is an organization uniting industrial enterprises and universities in 77 regions across Russia. The main goal of SoyuzMash is to shape the strategy for the industry’s development and actively participate in government policy aimed at supporting the national machine-building complex. The Chelyabinsk branch of the Union of Machine Engineers of Russia comprises 46 organizations, including two leading universities of the Southern Urals - South Ural State University (SUSU) and Chelyabinsk State University (CSU).
General partners
MKS Group of Companies is an engineering enterprise whose main activity is construction of turnkey power objects. The company projects, builds and operates gas-piston power plants (mini-MPP). It is one of the industry's leaders in the Russian Federation. In 15 years MKS constructed 53 mini-MPPs in various regions of Russia and abroad. The total amount of the implemented energy projects is 244 MW. Since 2017, it has been the official distributor and service partner of MWM. In order to improve the quality and shorten the project implementation time, MKS Group of Companies launched its own production of auxiliary power equipment, and also mastered small-scale production of power complexes in block-modular execution. In 2019, MKS Group of Companies was the first in Russia to develop and commission a block-modular power plant based on the largest MWM engines TCG 2032B 4.5 MW. MKS Group of Companies is a resident of two free economic zones of the Russian Federation — Malaya Sosnovka (Chelyabinsk Region) and Dubna (Moscow Region), where it is building factories for the production of mini-MPPs. The company is headquartered in Moscow with representative offices in St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Munich, Nur-Sultan, Dubai.
The ENELT Group of Companies is a Russian manufacturer of energy equipment and software. The company's reference list includes over 1,000 completed projects over 17 years in the field of uninterrupted and guaranteed power supply systems for energy, industrial, telecommunications, and transportation facilities. Since 2015, the ENELT Group has been an active participant in investment projects for the modernization of diesel, fuel oil, and coal generation in remote and hard-to-reach areas of the Russian Federation, including the Arctic, Siberia, and the Far East.
Laboratory of Converter Engineering (Group of Companies «System Teсhnik») – a reliable supplier in the field of engineering and manufacturing integrated energy solutions. The company has been specializing in autonomous power supply systems, distributed energy, and microgrids for over 15 years. The product range includes megawatt-class converter-energy storage systems: SIN and MMC inverters based on lithium-ion battery technology, high-speed reactive power compensators with active filter function (STATCOM), as well as reliability enhancement systems for voltage sag protection and short-term outages based on supercapacitors. Years of accumulated expertise allow the company to apply integrated energy solutions for connecting to medium and high voltage grids, as well as offering a wide range of power regulation capabilities from hundreds of MW/MVAR. The company implements high-quality projects, adapting them to the unique requirements and needs of each client. Collaboration with the Laboratory of Converter Engineering guarantees reliability, efficiency, and long-term sustainability in the energy infrastructure.
Strategic partners
Heat&Power - is one of the key business events in the calendar of specialists responsible for selecting power generation, industrial boiler and heat exchange equipment. The exhibition is attended by leading Russian and foreign manufacturers and suppliers. This year Heat&Power exhibition will be held from 22 to 24 October in Moscow, in «Crocus Expo» IEC. Exhibition organisers: MVK Company. Programme partner of the exhibition is the Association of Small-scale Power Engineering.
Тепло и энергетика | Heat&Electro - is a specialised international exhibition of energy equipment for heat supply and power generation at industrial enterprises and municipal facilities; the largest business platform for energy industry professionals; a traditional meeting place for manufacturers, equipment suppliers and service providers with specialists interested in purchasing products for the construction, repair and modernisation of industrial boilers, autonomous power centres, CHPPs of industrial enterprises of various industries. This year's Тепло и энергетика | Heat&Electro exhibition will be held from 29 to 31 October in Moscow, at Expocentre Fairgrounds. Exhibition organiser: Gefera Media Company. Programme partner of the exhibition is the Association of Small-scale Power Engineering.
General media partners
Power and Industry of Russia is a leading federal industry newspaper embracing all the branches of energy industry: the current state and perspectives of our homeland and world energy industry as well as those of oil and gas, chemistry and coal industry, heavy machinery and equipment engineering, metallurgy related to energy industry. One of the major principles of the periodical is translating the facts and analysis of what is the most important for the moment. The newspaper publishes the news, informational and analytics articles, interviews with the leading industry specialists. The newspaper has been recognized by the industrial society at the mirror of Russian power generating industry for every certain period. Power and Industry of Russia newspaper has been issued twice a month in the edition of 26000 copies since 2000. All the materials are available for free at the periodical’s website.
Geoenergetika INFO - is an analytical online magazine, Russia's first interdisciplinary independent online publication, covering the entire spectrum of energy: from the development of natural resources, the emergence of new and previously unused resources in the energy sector, to old and new ways of their use, the formation of scientific and technical schools and their development, as well as forms of struggle for sources of energy resources in the past and in our time. The mission of the edition: following the way of popularisation of power engineering as the most important component of world economy and politics, to promote public education, formation of objective world outlook and understanding of power engineering as one of the bases of development of the Russian state and civilisation. The publication is represented by its own Telegram channel, You-Tube channel, etc. Editor-in-Chief and ideologist of the project: Boris Leonidovich Martsinkevich.
Media partners
Turbines and Diesels is an industry magazine covering the issues related to application of gas turbine and steam turbine units, and gas piston and diesel engines for electric power production as well as peculiarities of using this equipment as industrial mechanical drives. The media addresses, first of all, the enterprises operating such an equipment, production sites interested in construction of own generation facilities, and experts focusing on development of gas turbine gas, piston and diesel engines and power generation facilities based on them. Turbines and Diesels magazine has been published since 2005. The magazine is issued 6 times a year in amount of 3000 copies. The magazine is distributed by subscription in the publishing house or the specialized agencies and at the industry conferences and exhibitions.
Журнал С О К — ежемесячное отраслевое издание для профессионалов рынка инженерного обустройства зданий и сооружений. С 2002 года журнал помогает специалистам в выборе оборудования для водоснабжения и водоотведения, а также отопительного и климатического оборудования и технологий, публикуя экспертные оценки и освещая актуальные вопросы. Кроме того, издание является авторитетным источником информации о технологиях сегментов ВИЭ, энергосбережения и энергоэффективности. Включено в Перечень ВАК Минобрнауки России. Главный редактор журнала – Александр Гудко.
Elec.ru is an industry promotional website dedicated to electrical equipment, lighting equipment and automation systems and related industries. The site provides informational and expert support of the producers, suppliers and dealers of the electric equipment and services, creates a high-quality information field in the electric equipment market. Electrotekhnichesky Rynok (Electrotechnical market) Magazine covering new developments and innovative technologies and releasing new products is published within the frames of the project. Every year the magazine takes part in over 100 B2b event in Russia and abroad.