About the Award


an independent industry award given to individuals and legal entities (companies or organizations) that have achieved significant performance and accomplishments in the field of small-scale distributed and renewable energy in Russia and abroad.

General partner

Nomination categories of the award:

1 nomination

«The best project in the field of small distributed power generation up to 5 MW»

2 nomination

«The best project in the field of small distributed power generation with a capacity of more than 5 MW»

3 nomination

«Best Renewable Energy, Storage and Electric Transportation Project»

4 nomination

«Domestic development in the field of small-scale distributed energy»

5 nomination

«Investor of the Year in the field of small-scale distributed energy»

6 nomination

«Research and development in the field of small distributed energy»


History of the Award

The prize has been awarded since 2013. For 9 years, about 600 companies and organisations from 12 countries took part in the competition. 37 companies and individuals became winners and owners of the main award - the Golden Lightning statuette. In 2021, the Award was held for the first time in an experimental format - on the fields of the 23rd International Exhibition on Water Treatment Technologies, Energy Technologies and Environmental Protection WETEX-2021 in Dubai (UAE). This format allowed to bring the competition project to the international platform, to attract foreign companies to participate, and to publicise the project in the world media. To date, the International Award "Small Energy - Great Achievements" has consolidated its status as one of the most authoritative international competitions in the industry.

Selecting the winners

The winners of the International Award «Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements» are determined by independent voting of the members of the International Expert Council. It consists of 40 outstanding professionals: experts and analysts in the field of small-scale energy, representatives of the business community, heads of major energy enterprises, rectors of the country's industry-specific universities, as well as legendary Russian scientists. Since 2020, the Award's website has also been running an online-voting, where the entire industry community has the right to choose the strongest projects of the year.

Award Calendar

May 23

starting meeting of the Expert Council, coordination of the new concept of the Award‑2024

July 1 - November 1

collection of applications for the 2024 Prize on the project website www.energo-union.com

November 3 - November 18

work of the Expert Council to identify the winners


(date and place to be agreed upon) -
Awards ceremony in Moscow

Strategic partners
General media partners
Media partners
the Award exists
participated in the Award
companies and persons
became the Award's winners
in the International Expert Council

Association news

July 18, 4:32 pm

Development of Power Generation in Remote Areas of the Russian Far East

The Small Energy Association has submitted proposals to enhance power generation in remote areas of the Russian Far East, aiming to save around 200 billion rubles over six years through modernization projects. These initiatives include transitioning to gas piston units and offering tax incentives for equipment producers.

July 4, 10:48 am

"Business Russia" sent a package of proposals to the Russian Government to improve the procedure for technological connection to power grids

"Business Russia has sent a package of proposals to the Russian Government to improve the procedure for technological connection to power grids. In particular, the business association requests the development of a mechanism for the FAS of Russia to review technical conditions for technological connection issued by electric grid organizations for their redundancy. This and other initiatives were adopted during a joint meeting of two subcommittees of Business Russia - the subcommittee on small-scale generation (headed by Maxim Zagornov, President of the Small-scale Power Association) and the subcommittee on modernization and increasing accessibility of energy infrastructure.

July 1, 9:11 am

Applications for the 10th International Award «Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements» are open now

The 10th Anniversary International Award "Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements" is one of significant industry events in Russia. On July 1, acceptance of applications for the award begins. According to the organizers of the contest, despite the sanctions pressure, many Russian energy companies have demonstrated an unprecedented ability to mobilize, continuing to implement innovative projects and commission new small power facilities. The main task of this year's award is to discover such projects, effective import substitution programs, encourage all those who, despite the situation, continued to develop the small-scale distributed power industry in the country. Applications will be accepted until November 1.

International advisory council

Alexey Repik

Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia", founder of “R-Pharm” Group of Companies

Maxim Zagornov

President of the Distributed Power Generation Association, CEO at the MKS Group of Companies, LLC, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Distributed Power Generation of the Energy Committee, Business Ambassador of the «Business Russia» in the UAE 

Sergey Alekseenko

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, winner of the Global Energy Award, Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Valentin Parmon

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, winner of the Global Energy Award, Prof., Doctor of Chemical Sciences

Meng Xiaoli

General Director for the Russian market of CNPC JICHAI POWER COMPANY LIMITED (China)

Pavel Ilyushin

Vice-President of the Distributed Power Generation Association for Science, Head of the Center "Intelligent Electric Power Systems and Distributed Energy" of the Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences

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