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In Russia, the best projects in the field of small-scale energy are being selected.

The call for applications for the X International Award «Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements» is currently open. Established by the Distributed Power Generation Association with the support of the business association «Business Russia», this award has been held since 2013 and has become a reputable platform for showcasing innovative projects in distributed and renewable energy. The deadline for submissions is November 1.

Association news

October 8, 11:33 am

"Small energy industry strives for great achievements": an interview with Maxim Zagornov

The International Award "Small Energy - Great Achievements" is held for the tenth time this year. Today it is the main industry award for the best implemented projects in the field of distributed and renewable energy. Maxim Zagornov, President of the Association of Small-scale Power Generation, told the editor-in-chief of Energy and Industry of Russia about the main trends and prospects of distributed generation in Russia, how the award is changing taking into account the current realities and new challenges for the industry.

October 7, 1:37 pm

In a letter to the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the Association of Small-Scale Power Industry made proposals for the development of energy capacities in the Far East

Following the Ninth Eastern Economic Forum, the President of Russia instructed the Government, together with the business community, to prepare a long-term program for the development of energy capacities in the Far East and to provide for project financing mechanisms. The Small Energy Association made its proposals, which were reflected in a letter to Mikhail Mishustin, Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation.

September 25, 2:20 pm

The Association of Small Power Industry proposed to finalize the draft General Scheme of Electricity Facilities Location

Based on the results of public discussion, the Association of Small Power Industry proposed to finalize the draft General Scheme of Electric Power Industry Facilities Location until 2042 published on the website of SO UES JSC. In the opinion of the association's representatives, the document requires substantial adjustment taking into account current trends in the development of the domestic and global power industry.

About the Association

The Distributed Power Generation Association is a public organization uniting the fast-growing and high-tech companies operating in the field of distributed power generation and related industries. The Association is aimed at consolidation the common efforts and competencies, administrative, financial and labour sources to form the distributed power generation market and jointly implement advance energy projects in Russia and abroad.

About the Award

The International Award «Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements» is a key annual project of the Distributed Power Generation Association. The award was established in 2013 and is currently the unique award, given to companies and organizations that achieved significant goals in the sector of distributed power generation and alternative energy in Russia and abroad.

the Award exists
participated in the Award
companies and persons
became the Award's winners
in the International Expert Council

International advisory council

Alexey Repik

Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia", founder of “R-Pharm” Group of Companies

Maxim Zagornov

President of the Distributed Power Generation Association, CEO at the MKS Group of Companies, LLC, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Distributed Power Generation of the Energy Committee, Business Ambassador of the «Business Russia» in the UAE 

Sergey Alekseenko

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Director of the Institute of Thermophysics SB RAS, winner of the Global Energy Award, Prof., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Valentin Parmon

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, winner of the Global Energy Award, Prof., Doctor of Chemical Sciences

Samuel Mao

Director of ASPIRE Research Institute for Sustainable Energy, Co-Chair of UAE Universities Climate Network, and Professor of Practice of Khalifa University (UAE)

Pavel Ilyushin

Vice-President of the Distributed Power Generation Association for Science, Head of the Center "Intelligent Electric Power Systems and Distributed Energy" of the Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences

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