Our team

Maxim Zagornov

President of the Distributed Power Generation Association, CEO at the MKS Group of Companies, LLC, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Distributed Power Generation of the Energy Committee, Business Ambassador of the «Business Russia» in the UAE 

Pavel Ilyushin

Vice-President of the Distributed Power Generation Association for Science, Head of the Center "Intelligent Electric Power Systems and Distributed Energy" of the Institute of Energy Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences

Valery Zhikharev

Vice-President of the Distributed Power Generation Association, Deputy Director of MKS Group of Companies Deputy Director of MKS Group of Companies, expert in the field of functioning of energy markets and industry regulation, PhD in economics

Sergey Semyonov

Vice President of the Distributed Power Generation Association for Investment and International Cooperation, founder of the consulting brand ESSG

Feliks Borisov

Vice President, Chairman of the Bioenergy Committee of the Distributed Power Generation Association, Managing Partner of the PHYSICS OF HEAT Group of companies

Maria Nevolina

Executive Director, Distributed Power Generation Association; Executive Secretary, Subcommittee on Small-Scale Generation of Business Russia

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