HEAT&POWER is the only international specialized exhibition of industrial boilers, heat exchange and power generation equipment in Russia. Every year Russian and foreign manufacturers demonstrate to the specialists the widest in Russia range of industrial boiler equipment working on various types of fuels, heat exchanger and power generating equipment, etc. The Distributed Power Generation Association has been co-organizing the business program and holding up-to-date science to practice conferences for five years.

Past events


Russian Energy Week international forum is one of the key energy business events. The goal of the forum is to demonstrate the perspectives of the Russian fuel and energy industry and to unlock the potential of international cooperation in the sphere of power generation. The forum is to become a platform for discussing the major challenges arising in front of the energy sector of the economy and topical development related issues.

WETEX Exhibition is held annually under the patronage of His Excellency Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of the Emirate of Dubai. WETEX is to become one of the tools of innovative development of Dubai. It is an important platform for making agreements and establishing partner relationships for governmental and private sectors.

KIOGE is an authoritative platform for presenting innovative technologies and major trends of oil and gas industry development. Being one of the major industry events of Kazakhstan, it facilitates development of the topical economic ideas and working out of specific solutions for oil and gas industry. The goal of the event is covering and building up a discussion of up-to-date issues and topics of Kazakhstan oil and gas industry, implementation of smart technologies, digitalization of oil development processes.
All-Russia Residential Congress

All-Russia Residential Congress in Sochi is the largest business event in the field of b2b realty. Annually the congress attracts about 5000 participants: heads of the largest construction companies, realty agencies, leading banks from all the regions of the Russian Federation and countries of near and far abroad. Over 400 events embracing all the major issues related to the realty market are held within the frames of the congress.

INNOPROM is a major industrial, trade and export platform of Russia. Being one of the key practice grounds of the Ministry of Industry of the Russian Federation, INNOPROM is the platform where the basis of the industry policy is shaped. About 80% of the visitors are professional buyers from different countries of the world, specialists making decisions on introduction of new products and technologies into their production cycles. Italy is the country partner of INNOPROM 2021.

RENWEX. Renewable Energy and Electric Vehicles event consists of an international exhibition and a specialized international forum and runs under the motto «Creating the future of renewable energy together». The exhibition and forum will allow to unlock the potential of companies and come up with implementation of the projects which will undoubtedly serve as the foundation for growth of RES technologies. A series of supporting events will become a platform for discussions with representatives of key Russian ministries, departments and industry associations on the most pressing and relevant issues of the renewable energy sector.
DPGA conference at AGROS-2021

Within the frames of the conference practical recommendations will be given on resolving the issues related to energy supply to agro-industrial enterprises by means of small-scale distributed power generation technologies. Specific cases of autonomous gas genset power plants construction for farms and greenhouses will be presented; up-to-date solutions for power supply to agricultural enterprises with the help of solar energy technologies, micro wind turbines as well as hybrid energy facilities implementation will be demonstrated.

Atyrau Oil&Gas is a leading industry event of the Atyrau region, the key region of a strategical importance for oil and gas industry and economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in general. Atyrau is the Oil Capital of Kazakhstan, a member of the World Energy Cities Partnership (WECP) comprising 18 oil capitals of the countries.

The conference is devoted to the pending issues of Arctic and offshore projects development, role of Arctic in satisfying the global demand for energy resources, legal background of offshore projects development, world experience in explorational and drilling operations in harsh Arctic environment with application of innovative technologies, LNG, transport and service infrastructure, industrial and ecological safety, and international cooperation.

The Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award is currently the only prize in the world that is awarded to the companies and organizations that have achieved significant performance in the field of small-scale distributed and alternative energy in Russia and abroad. In 2020, the award ceremony will be held in Moscow, at the congress center of the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce and Industry, on December 11.
Online seminar by dena

On November, 19, in frames of the first session of the seminar, the President of the Distributed Power Generation Association Maksim Zagornov will tell about the perspectives of small-scale power generation development in Russia, and present the projects of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award based on renewable energy resources and implemented within the city infrastructure.

Currently the members of the Award International Expert Council are voting for the projects. Though for the first time in the history of the contest, the industrial society can also choose the top rank projects: the public online voting has started on the Award website and will last till December, 6.
Конференция РАМЭ на HEAT&POWER

Для малой распределенной энергетики вопрос перехода на отечественные технологии – один из самых сложных, несмотря на то, что в России работает множество производителей энергетического оборудования. Это связано с тем, что большинство из них выпускают агрегаты малой мощности и специальные технологические установки. Производителей оборудования средней мощности существенно меньше, а большой мощности – практически нет. Одновременно со строительством собственной генерации в эксплуатацию должны вводиться системы релейной защита и автоматики, автоматического управления технологическими процессами, что требует разработки отечественных технических решений. В рамках конференции представители ведущих российских компаний и научных организаций расскажут о текущих разработках, полученных результатах и перспективных проектах.

HEAT&POWER is the only international specialized exhibition of industrial boilers, heat exchange and power generation equipment in Russia. Every year Russian and foreign manufacturers demonstrate to the specialists the widest in Russia range of industrial boiler equipment working on various types of fuels, heat exchanger and power generating equipment, etc. The Distributed Power Generation Association has been co-organizing the business program and holding up-to-date science to practice conferences for five years.

Выставка WETEX проводится ежегодно с 1999 года под патронажем Его Превосходительства шейха Мохаммеда бен Рашида Аль Мактума, Вице-президента и Премьер-министра ОАЭ и Правителя Дубая. WETEX призвана стать одним из инструментов инновационного развития Дубая. Она является важной платформой заключения соглашений и установления партнерских отношений для государственного и частного секторов. В 2020 году пройдет в онлайн-формате.

В ходе онлайн-интенсива будут презентованы конкретные решения по сокращению затрат на энергоресурсы до 10% без капитальных затрат со стороны предприятия. Речь пойдет о реализации проектов собственной генерации посредством энергосервисных контрактов. Кроме того, будут даны конкретные рекомендации по повышению энергоэффективности путем использования пара в сетях и паровых котельных на предприятий пищевой перерабатывающей промышленности.
Вебинар РАМЭ и РАВИ

24 сентября президент Российской Ассоциации малой энергетики Максим Загорнов и председатель Российской Ассоциации ветроиндустрии Игорь Брызгунов проведут вебинар «Перспективы развития малой распределенной энергетики в России». В ходе мероприятия его участники смогут задать вопросы о текущем положении отрасли малой распределенной и альтернативной энергетики в России, а также получить экспертную оценку перспектив развития отрасли в условиях турбулентности мировой экономики.

Подписание Соглашения о сотрудничестве между Ассоциацией малой энергетики и Российской Ассоциацией ветроиндустрии

Семь проектов — конкурсантов VIII Международной премии «Малая энергетика — большие достижения» — 17 сентября предстанут на публичной онлайн-защите на Startup Клубе, посвященном проектам распределенной генерации. Мероприятие пройдет в формате Startup Huddle — онлайн-презентации проектов и дальнейшей их экспертизы ведущими отраслевыми экспертами и опытными предпринимателями.

Подписание Соглашения о сотрудничестве между Ассоциацией малой энергетики и НП «Ассоциация предприятий солнечной энергетики».

Вступление в Ассоциацию малой энергетики компании Schneider Electric — одного из мировых лидеров в предоставлении цифровых решений в области управления электроэнергией и автоматизации.