A new monograph by Pavel Ilyushin, Vice-President of the Distributed Power Generation Association on Science, Doctor of Technical Sciences has been published. The study, co-authored by doctors of technical sciences Boris Papkov and Alexander Kulikov, is devoted to improving the reliability and efficiency of modern power supply. The monograph can be found on the website of the Distributed Power Generation Association.
One of the most important areas of systemic research in the energy sector is the study of the problem of reliability and efficiency of power supply to consumers. Power supply systems for industrial enterprises, agricultural enterprises, housing and communal services, large social facilities are one of the subsystems of the electric power system and its main formation. A number of power supply systems include sources of small-scale and distributed generation, including renewable energy sources. The increasingly widespread use of intelligent control systems for electrical networks, elements of electrical equipment and modes of electricity consumption requires research and analysis from the standpoint of systems theory.
The relevance of these tasks is undoubted, since the properties, modes and parameters of power supply systems significantly determine the properties and development trends of power systems and power facilities, including both the traditional power system and distributed power generation facilities with traditional RES.
In the monograph by B. Papkov, A. Kulikov and P. Ilyushin the problems of large technical systems and the foundations of their formalized description are considered; recommendations for expanding the reliability of power supply systems when analyzing the cybersecurity of smart power grids are given; the bases for assessing the probabilities of catastrophic situations in the SES are given; the possibilities of taking into account the features of the structures of distributed generation systems when assessing their reliability and efficiency are shown; the possibilities of implementing the tasks of risk management are also considered.
The publication is intended for specialists in the field of research, design and operation of power supply systems, students, undergraduates and postgraduates of all forms of education in the direction of Power Engineering.
The monograph by B. Papkov, A. Kulikov and P. Ilyushin Reliability and Efficiency of Modern Power Supply is available on the website of the Distributed Power Generation Association. When citing materials, reference to the authors of the study is required.