Contestants of the International Award «Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements» of different years, as well as the 2020 nominees are invited to participate in the Startup Club dedicated to the distributed power generation projects. The event, organized by the Distributed Power Generation Association, the All Russia Public Organization «Business Russia» with the support of the Entrepreneurship Center, will be held in a Startup Huddle format — an online presentation of projects and their further examination by the leading industry experts and experienced entrepreneurs.
The Startup Club meeting dedicated to the distributed power generation projects will be held on September 17 in an online mode. The main goal of the event is to help the startup projects implemented in the field of the distributed power generation, to receive an expert assessment and operational recommendations for further steps from the leading industry experts, experienced entrepreneurs, investors, representatives of the relevant development institutions.
«As you know, the entrepreneurial path is complicated and thorny,» said Maksim Zagornov, president of the Distributed Power Generation Association, chairman of the «Business Russia» distributed power generation subcommittee. «And the entrepreneurial path in the field of the distributed power generation is twice complicated. Traditional problems associated with the legislative confusion, obstacles from natural monopolies, were added this year with the economic complexity — the economic crisis caused by the COVID-19. At Startup Club, in a «brainstorm» mode we will try to take a fresh glance at interesting startup projects in the field of the distributed power generation and find interesting schemes for their further development».
What mode we suggest for a Startup Club?
Five pre-selected entrepreneurs will present their startup projects in the field of the distributed power generation in 6 minutes and talk about their problems and tasks. Within 20 minutes the mentors (successful entrepreneurs, investors, leading industry experts, including the members of the International Expert Council of the Award «Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements») will give their feedback, a valuable advice on further steps and will share their entrepreneurial and research experience. The total duration of the event is 3 hours.
What a Startup Huddle is?
The Startup meeting of the Club is held as part of the international Startup Huddle program implementation — providing support to start-up entrepreneurs through crowdsourcing involving of participants in the entrepreneurial ecosystem in solving the problems of the young businesses. The global goal of the Startup Huddle is education, development and cohesion of the entrepreneurial communities.
Who is invited to participate?
Contestants of the International Award «Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements» of different years, as well as the 2020 nominees, are invited to participate in the Startup Club dedicated to the projects in the field of the distributed power generation. The main criteria for the projects selection: a unique character of the idea, consumers' demand, a team for project implementation.
For Startup Club membership please contact
Maria Nevolina, Executive Director Distributed Power Generation Association: