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September 25, 2:20 pm

The Association of Small Power Industry proposed to finalize the draft General Scheme of Electricity Facilities Location

Based on the results of public discussion, the Association of Small Power Industry proposed to finalize the draft General Scheme of Electric Power Industry Facilities Location until 2042 published on the website of SO UES JSC. In the opinion of the association's representatives, the document requires substantial adjustment taking into account current trends in the development of the domestic and global power industry.

September 20, 10:40 am

Maxim Zagornov is nominated for the TOP50. Famous People of the Chelyabinsk Region" Award

Maxim Zagornov, President of the Small Power Association, Director of MKS Group, Chairman of the Small Generation Subcommittee of Business Russia, has been nominated for the TOP50. Famous People of the Chelyabinsk Region. The award recognizes 50 people who have made a breakthrough in their field of activity and made a significant contribution to the development of the region. The winners will be determined based on the results of the online popular vote, which will last until September 27.

September 11, 8:55 am

The Russian Engineering Union will provide official support for the 2024 Award

The Russian Engineering Union will provide official support to the X International Award "Small Energy - Great Achievements". The organization, which unites industrial enterprises and universities in 77 regions of Russia, will take part in the preparation of the contest aimed at identifying the best projects and developments in the field of distributed and renewable energy.

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