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July 18, 4:32 pm

Development of Power Generation in Remote Areas of the Russian Far East

The Small Energy Association has submitted proposals to enhance power generation in remote areas of the Russian Far East, aiming to save around 200 billion rubles over six years through modernization projects. These initiatives include transitioning to gas piston units and offering tax incentives for equipment producers.

July 4, 10:48 am

"Business Russia" sent a package of proposals to the Russian Government to improve the procedure for technological connection to power grids

"Business Russia has sent a package of proposals to the Russian Government to improve the procedure for technological connection to power grids. In particular, the business association requests the development of a mechanism for the FAS of Russia to review technical conditions for technological connection issued by electric grid organizations for their redundancy. This and other initiatives were adopted during a joint meeting of two subcommittees of Business Russia - the subcommittee on small-scale generation (headed by Maxim Zagornov, President of the Small-scale Power Association) and the subcommittee on modernization and increasing accessibility of energy infrastructure.

July 1, 9:11 am

Applications for the 10th International Award «Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements» are open now

The 10th Anniversary International Award "Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements" is one of significant industry events in Russia. On July 1, acceptance of applications for the award begins. According to the organizers of the contest, despite the sanctions pressure, many Russian energy companies have demonstrated an unprecedented ability to mobilize, continuing to implement innovative projects and commission new small power facilities. The main task of this year's award is to discover such projects, effective import substitution programs, encourage all those who, despite the situation, continued to develop the small-scale distributed power industry in the country. Applications will be accepted until November 1.

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