
July 4, 10:48 am

"Business Russia" sent a package of proposals to the Russian Government to improve the procedure for technological connection to power grids

"Business Russia has sent a package of proposals to the Russian Government to improve the procedure for technological connection to power grids. In particular, the business association requests the development of a mechanism for the FAS of Russia to review technical conditions for technological connection issued by electric grid organizations for their redundancy. This and other initiatives were adopted during a joint meeting of two subcommittees of Business Russia - the subcommittee on small-scale generation (headed by Maxim Zagornov, President of the Small-scale Power Association) and the subcommittee on modernization and increasing accessibility of energy infrastructure.

July 1, 9:11 am

Applications for the 10th International Award «Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements» are open now

The 10th Anniversary International Award "Distributed Power Generation - Great Achievements" is one of significant industry events in Russia. On July 1, acceptance of applications for the award begins. According to the organizers of the contest, despite the sanctions pressure, many Russian energy companies have demonstrated an unprecedented ability to mobilize, continuing to implement innovative projects and commission new small power facilities. The main task of this year's award is to discover such projects, effective import substitution programs, encourage all those who, despite the situation, continued to develop the small-scale distributed power industry in the country. Applications will be accepted until November 1.

July 1, 9:00 am

The Small Energy Association and «Heat & Electro» signed a cooperation agreement

On July 4, Moscow hosted the signing of an agreement between the Small Energy Association and «Heat & Electro» - an international exhibition of energy equipment for heat supply and power generation at industrial enterprises of various sectors and municipal facilities.

June 28, 5:16 pm

Small Energy Association and HEAT&POWER signed a cooperation agreement

On June 28 in Moscow, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Small Energy Association and HEAT&POWER - a specialized exhibition of industrial boiler, heat-exchange and power-generating equipment.

June 26, 10:56 am

The Small Energy Association proposed creating a body under the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia that would evaluate technical connection activities for their redundancy

The Small Energy Association proposed creating a permanent body under the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia, which, upon applications from applicants for technological connection, will review the technical conditions issued by electric grid organizations for their redundancy. The Association outlined this initiative in a letter sent to the Government of the Russian Federation.

June 25, 1:33 pm

A joint meeting of two subcommittees of the Energy Committee of Business Russia was held in Moscow

A joint meeting of two subcommittees of the Energy Committee of Business Russia took place in Moscow: the subcommittee on small-scale generation (headed by Maxim Zagornov, President of the Small-scale Power Association) and the subcommittee on modernization and increasing accessibility of energy infrastructure. The participants of the meeting discussed how to lower the threshold for entry to the wholesale electricity market from 25 MW to 5 MW and how to optimize technological connection to the power grid. The proposals are planned to be submitted to the Government of the Russian Federation.

November 3, 2023, 2:48 pm

Maksim Zagornov takes part in the Reception by the UAE Embassy in Russia associated with COP 28 Climate Summit

On November 1, Maksim Zagornov, Business Ambassador of Business Russia to the UAE, President of Distributed Power Generation Association, took part in the official reception held by the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in the Russian Federation. The event was timed to the upcoming COP28 International Climate Summit, one of the key 2023 events of the UAE dedicated to combating climate change.

October 20, 2023, 1:03 pm

Development of distributed power generation, APEF-2023 in Bangkok

On October 20, a panel session "Development of distributed power generation in remote and isolated areas of the Asia-Pacific Region: the role of the state and business" was held in the frames of the Third Asian and Pacific Energy Forum in Bangkok. The event was organized by Distributed Power Generation Association, Far East and Arctic Development Corporation and All-Russia Public Organization "Business Russia".

October 10, 2023, 2:44 pm

Distributed Power Generation Association takes part in ADIPEC-2023

The team of Distributed Power Generation Association has successfully completed its participation in the International Oil and Gas Exhibition ADIPEC-2023 in Abu Dhabi. Within four days, several dozen meetings and negotiations with representatives of UAE oil and gas companies, including Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), took place in the frames of the world's largest energy event. Besides, a panel discussion with the participation of representatives of the UAE Ministry of Industry and Advanced Technologies (MoIAT) was held to negotiate possible development of the Russian power business in the Emirates.

October 2, 2023, 5:38 pm

Distributed Power Generation Association takes part in Asia-Pacific Forum in Bangkok

The Secretariat of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) has included a panel session "Development of distributed power generation in rural and remote areas of the Asia-Pacific Region: the role of the government and businesses" in the business program of the Asia-Pacific Energy Week. The corresponding initiative was proposed by Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, Distributed Power Generation Association and All-Russia Public Organization "Business Russia".

September 18, 2023, 3:05 pm

Distributed Power Generation Association is Partner to HEAT&POWER Exhibition

The Distributed Power Generation Association acts as an information partner of the 8th International exhibition of industrial boilers, heat exchange and power generation equipment HEAT&POWER. The event will be held on October 24 - 26, 2023 in Moscow to bring together key industry experts from Russia and abroad.

September 18, 2023, 3:01 pm

Distributed Power Generation Association is Partner to HEAT&ELECTRO | MACHINERY 2023

The Distributed Power Generation Association acts as an information partner of the energy exhibition Heat&Electro | Machinery 2023. A whole range of equipment related to power supply of industrial enterprises and housing utilities will be presented at the exhibition: from design to construction and upgrading. The event will be held from October 24 to 26 at Expocentre Fairgrounds in Pavilion No. 

June 19, 2023, 10:40 am

SPIEF-2023 outlines areas for the development of bilateral relations between Russia and the UAE

26-й Петербургский международный экономический форум завершил свою работу. В этом году ПМЭФ в очередной раз подтвердил статус главного делового события страны. За четыре дня мероприятие посетило 17 тысяч участников из 130 стран, было подписано более 900 соглашений на общую сумму почти 4 трлн рублей. Одним из главных акцентов форума стало участие представительной делегации Объединенных Арабских Эмиратов как страны-гостя ПМЭФ и встреча президентов двух стран - России и ОАЭ - на полях форума. Это еще раз подчеркнуло партнерский характер отношений между государствами и настрой на дальнейшее наращивание торгово-экономического сотрудничества.

June 15, 2023, 2:02 pm

Opportunities for industrial clusters in the UAE will be discussed at the panel session of Business Russia in the framework of the Russian SME Forum on the ''zero day'' of SPIEF-2023

On June 14, on the sidelines of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Business Russia held a panel session focused on industrial clusters in the UAE and opportunities they offer to Russian exporters. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Russian Export Center, businesses, and a number of UAE free zones – KEZAD, RAKEZ, Fujairah. The discussion was moderated by Maksim Zagornov, Business Ambassador of Business Russia to the UAE, Director of MKC Group of Companies.

June 8, 2023, 11:59 am

Maksim Zagornov, President of the Distributed Power Generation Association celebrates his milestone birthday today

8 июня юбилей отмечает президент Ассоциации малой энергетики, директор Группы компаний «МКС», бизнес-посол «Деловой России» в ОАЭ Максим Загорнов - человек, 18 лет назад с нуля создавший одну из лучших инжиниринговых компаний в стране, сформировавший надежную команду, прошедший вместе с ней не один кризис, нашедший свой путь в жизни, став предпринимателем.

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