
December 7, 2020, 9:14 am

Surprises of the Award-2020: Kinetic sculptures by Nikolai Panafidin will be presented to the participants of the ceremony

An exhibition of kinetic objects by a mechanical engineer Nikolai Panafidin will be opened within the frames of the Solemn ceremony of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award. The Art of Energy exposition comprises 7 objects and will become a sort of a present for the participants of the Award-2020.

December 7, 2020, 8:26 am

Managing Director of the German Energy Agency (dena) Kristina Haverkamp greeted the participants of the Award-2020

Managing Director of the German Energy Agency (dena) Kristina Haverkamp greeted the participants of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award. As one of the most competent international experts in the field of RES development, she emphasized the importance of the energy transition and thanked this year participants for their work. «You are the drivers of the transformation of our energy systems,» — Kristina Haverkamp said.

December 2, 2020, 11:15 am

Minister of Energy of the Moscow Region Alexander Samarin greeted the participants of the Award-2020

Minister of the Energy sector of the Moscow Region Alexander Samarin greeted the participants and the organizers of the Award-2020. In his appeal Mr. Samarin noted, that «the Award has a status of an effective platform for the exchange of experience between energy companies and the development of recommendations on priority areas for the development of Distributed Power Generation in Russia».

December 2, 2020, 8:04 am

The International POL Testing Center, LLC is the official partner of the AWARD-2020

The International POL Testing Center, LLC is one of the leading participants in the Russian market of services for lubricants compositions monitoring has become an official partner of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award.

November 25, 2020, 5:04 pm

Registration for participation in the Ceremony of the Award-2020 has opened. Video announcement of the event

The VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award has entered the final stage of the preparations. The names of the winners of the major industry contest of the year will be announced on December, 11, in Moscow. They have implemented innovative distributed and alternative power generation projects in the complicated conditions of the today world economy. This year the Solemn Ceremony of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award will be held in a combined mode: offline part of the event will be held in the Congress Hall of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; and online part will be available all over the world.

November 25, 2020, 2:49 pm

Sergey Esyakov greeted the participants of the Award-2020

Sergey Esyakov, First Deputy Chairman of the Energy Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation greeted the participants and the organizers of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award. In his appeal Mr. Esyakov expressed his hope that «the developments and solutions proposed within the frames of the competition will serve to increase the energy efficiency of the Russian economy, develop environmental responsible  technologies, further develop renewable energy sources and form distributed generation into an independent energy sub-industry».

November 24, 2020, 10:08 am

The final meeting of the Expert Council of the Award-2020 took place

The final online meeting of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award Expert Council took place on November, 23. The experts from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Simferopol, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, as well as from abroad: from France and Germany got in touch. Representatives of business community, science and leading industry organizations noted the high-level management of the Award this year, discussed contestant projects and finally defined with the winners.

November 23, 2020, 7:08 pm

RENWEX exhibition has become an official media partner of the Award-2020

RENWEX, the largest exhibition in Russia, dedicated of the major types of renewable energy sources and energy vehicles, has become an official media partner of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award.

November 23, 2020, 11:24 am

Hero of the Russian Federation, pilot-cosmonaut Oleg Artemiyev greeted the participants of the Award-2020

The Hero of the Russian Federation, pilot-cosmonaut, member of Moscow City Duma Oleg Artemiyev greeted the participants and the organizers of the Award-2020. In his appeal Mr. Artemiyev emphasized the importance of «consolidating the interests of power generation industry and other economy branches, including space industry, within the frames of an integrated dialogue between the representatives of governmental power, science and business society» and wished good luck to the contestants.

November 23, 2020, 9:43 am

INNIO: the General Partner of the Distributed Power Generation – Great Achievements International Award

INNIO, a leading supplier of solutions for gas piston engines, power equipment, digital platforms and accompanying services for power production, has become the General Partner of the VIII Distributed Power Generation – Great Achievements International Award.

November 19, 2020, 4:06 pm

Shifting to a greener energy. Summing up the results of online seminar by dena

How to make our cities cleaner, reduce amount of CO2 exhausts, make them more comfortable to live in? Participants of the interregional online seminar devoted to Renewable Energy in the Cities arranged by the German Energy Agency (dena), say there are two ways: to consume less power and to switch to green energy, integrate generating facilities based on renewable energy resources into cities’ energy infrastructure more actively. Representatives of the Ministries, professional communities, municipalities and cities of Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan took part in fruitful discussions.

November 18, 2020, 10:24 am

Award-2020 projects will be presented at the Renewable Energy in the Cities international online seminar by dena

On November, 19, the projects of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award will be presented within the frames of the online seminar organized by the German Energy Agency (dena). The event will be held as part of the City Power Infrastructure interregional dialogue platform for the experts from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and the Ukraine.

November 17, 2020, 3:56 pm

Public online voting for the Award-2020 projects has started

Public online voting for the 2020’s projects has started on the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award website. For the first time in the history of the Award, not only the members of the International Expert Council, but the industrial society as well can choose the top-rank projects. The public voting will last till December, 6.

November 17, 2020, 12:30 pm

MWM is the General Partner of the Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award

MWM, a leading brand in the sphere of production of highly efficient cogeneration units for distributed power generation, has become the General Partner of the VIII Distributed Power Generation — Great Achievements International Award.

November 12, 2020, 2:08 pm

Alexander Novak announced development of small-scale and distributed power generation to be one of the major tasks of the Vice Prime Minister

Alexander Novak announced development of small-scale and distributed power generation, particularly in isolated and remote areas, to be one of the major tasks of the Vice Prime Minister responsible for the fuel and energy sector. The Minister of Energy stated it at the Plenary Session of the State Duma on November, 10. Another priority task of the newly appointed Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation shall be development of renewable energy resources.

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